Nootropics – Natural Supplements that Boost Brain Function

Many of you may remember the hit action film Limitless back in 2011 starring Bradly Cooper. In case you missed it the premise of the film was that through circumstance he was offered a drug that enhanced his mental acuity to a point where he could access nearly his entire brain not just the small percentage most of us use. It instantly boosted his cognitive abilities and along with that his self-esteem and confidence.

In the movie this super drug was highly illegal and subjected him to a world of trouble. Even so, the idea was very intriguing – to be able to access more of your brain, focus more fully, and really be the best you that you can be. To become the best version of yourself, instantly. Who wouldn’t want that?

While a Limitless Street Drug or Pharmaceutical pill does not exist in reality, there is a natural classification of supplements and drugs known as nootropics that do. The beauty of nootropics vs this Hollywood version is that unlike the Limitless drug which eventually wears down your body with horrid life taking side effects, nature based nootropics serve only your best and highest good, elevating and helping your body on a tangible cellular level.

What is a Nootropic?

Nootropics are a classification of supplement or medication that has been shown to help improve memory, creativity, cognitive function, and even motivation in otherwise healthy individuals. A nootropic formulation when the right ingredients combine becomes a powerhouse for your body and brain.

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Many People Rely on their Morning Coffee

Yes, even coffee could be considered a singular nootropic. It’s a regular daily habit of many. Coffee last year in the USA alone was a $230 billion dollar industry. Statistics show that those age 25-34 spent on average $2008 dollars just on coffee at coffee shops. That is considering the average designer coffee is about $5.50 a cup.

What if you could replace that with something that works better, is healthier for you, you don’t have to run through a drive through to grab, and works infinitely better all while saving you $4.00 of that $5.50 a day? That’s an annual savings for $1460.

That “something” is Zero-N

This powerhouse of a brain health formula helps you zero in on whatever it is you are trying to focus on. Natural, gentle, powerful and best of all effective with no crash or come down!

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Yeah, we thought so!
Find out more about Zero-N and get your bottle today!

Enhance your brain health today with Zero-N

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The post Nootropics – Natural Supplements that Boost Brain Function first appeared on RenovoVita Blog.

Courtesy of Renovovita | Anti Aging Supplements, Cellular Regeneration & Brain Health

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