Brain Fog Got You Down?

Many of us wake up in the dark only to return home from work again, in the dark. Your internal circadian rhythm clock is set, for most of us, to wake up with the sun. No sun = not really awake.

That is where morning brain fog comes in. As your alarm goes off and you stumble out of bed to try and wake your self up with a shower, pressing start on the coffee machine, you yawn and try to subtly turn on some not so overpowering lights.

Admittedly it takes a while before you are moving out of your own free will and not simply out of the automatic programmed desire to get paid therefore you are willing to grope around in your closet in the pitch black to attempt to find a pair of matching socks so you can get in the car looking like a responsibly dressed human in order to drive to work.

Coffee is great. Its warm, inviting, we love the smell, the taste, everything about it. This country has worshiped coffee by putting up coffee shops on pretty much every corner of every major city in the USA. Americans spend $230 billion dollars on coffee last year. The average 25-34 year old paid $2008 for coffee… kind of crazy, right? The caffeine content helps wake you up and get you going we all agree, but the cost… at $5.50 daily its an investment you often don’t even think about.

What if there was another alternative? A better alternative…

There is.

We have it.

It’s known as Zero-N. Zero-N is a nootropic formulation that boosts brain power nearly instantly. By ditching the designer coffee and flipping the switch to Zero-N you save $4.00 a day. That is an annual savings of $1,460. That is a nice chunk of change.


Zero-N is a brain health formulation. Your brain operates on electronic impulses.  Cognitive function requires use. If you don’t use certain areas of the brain the synapsis get slower causing you to feel foggy and less sharp than you once were. Zero-N is like a fitness trainer for your brain. When taken together with With-N our cellular activation wellness formula it can help your brain cells remain youthful, strong, and healthy.

Want that mental edge?

Ditch the fancy paper cup and pop a Zero-N with a big glass of water first thing in the morning. Then get ready for concentration like you likely haven’t experienced in years. It supports a feeling of focus, concentration, and even boosts your mood.

The beauty of Zero-N is there are no side effects. No caffeine headache if you miss a cup or two. It just simply works.

Interested to learn more or try some? Check it out

We would love to hear back on your experience!

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The post Brain Fog Got You Down? first appeared on RenovoVita Blog.

Courtesy of Renovovita | Anti Aging Supplements, Cellular Regeneration & Brain Health

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