The Role NMN and NAD+ Play in Fertility

It may come as a surprise but the egg quality and linked ability to conceive in adult females starts to drop at the young age of just 30.  

Many women and couples are choosing purposely to wait till later in life to begin having children at a time when they can be more financially ready for them, but it’s a timing game against the biological clock. Too soon and they report not feeling ready but wait to long and there is a chance that it may just end up being too late and they may have difficulty or be unable to have a baby at all.

Thanks to new research that has been done showing that the quality of a woman’s eggs is greatly dependent on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) a chemical that is found in every cell of the body. NAD+ has been found to help ensure that they retain the ability to build. NAD+ is involved with many metabolic processes and declines as we age. Being able to supplement can be key in maintaining fertility.

Introducing NAD+ into the body by way of supplementation of NMN has been shown to help greatly to boost the chance of natural conception as well as in an IVF setting. NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is made from B Vitamins in the body. It naturally occurs in all life forms. It is a derivative of niacin.  It is converted by the body to NAD+ which has been proven in numerous animal studies to lead to restoration of fertility. It also benefits the in-utero fetus greatly by not passing on any ill effects of maternal age when it comes to developmental milestones.

All findings from a number of cumulative studies suggest that late life restoration of NAD+ levels may present the ability to procreate to many who formerly would have been considered past their prime and unlikely to conceive.

This cutting-edge biotechnology is now easily available through RenovoVita. It is available in the supplement known as With-N.  Ready to learn more about what NMN, NAD+, and With-N can do for you?

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The post The Role NMN and NAD+ Play in Fertility first appeared on RenovoVita Blog.

Courtesy of Renovovita | Anti Aging Supplements, Cellular Regeneration & Brain Health

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