What Does Consumer Reports Have to Say About Saving Money on Your Utility Bill Southwest, Florida.

Installing the right central air conditioning unit for your space and setting it correctly can save money on your monthly energy bill. Here in Florida, our FPL bill skyrockets during the summer because we all crank down the temperature in an effort to beat the heat. What everyone deems comfortable is different. This can cause family arguments and problems over […]

AC 101

Most people, if asked, would say that air conditioners pump cold air into your home. While that isn’t exactly a wrong answer, it’s not exactly correct either. Mostly an AC unit works by transference of heat. When heat is removed, the cool air remains and lowers the temperature in your home. To better grasp the concept lets take a look […]

Make Your AC Unit Last Longer!

While replacing your AC unit at some point in time is unavoidable the typical life of a unit is 10-15 years. It can easily lean more towards 15 if properly taken care of from the start. Keeping your air conditioning system functioning properly takes very little effort on the part of the homeowner can be done quite simply. We have […]