What is the Real Price of Health?

What is the Real Price of Health? There seem to be two different schools of thought when it comes to health. We purchase health insurance, but really that is ‘sick care’ insurance. It isn’t primarily used to be proactive or maintain your health. It helps take care of expenses when you already are ill. Doctor visits, medicines, and even special […]

Are You a Virg-N?

Are You a Virg-N? This may seem like a long ago and far off question to be asked. But the truth is that our bodies renew themselves over time. This includes our skin cells. In adults, cellular renewal of skin, which is an organ, can take from 28 to 42 days. In those age 50 and older, the skin renewal process […]

RenovoVita Ingredient spotlight #7 Trace metals: copper, magnesium, zinc, & selenium

RenovoVita Ingredient spotlight #7 Trace metals: copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium While we usually choose to showcase what are considered the “key” ingredients in our With-N Cellular Renewal Activation formula we also have our reasons for including other vital ingredients. Today our chosen focus is on trace metals copper, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Trace minerals and metals used to be found […]