Choose the Right Grout Color

Looking to update your home without spending a fortune? The answer? Color.  Adding pops of color, whether in appliances or decors, can truly transform the look of your home. One color aspect that is often overlooked is the color of the grout that will be on the floor, walls, or back splash your kitchen, bathroom, mudroom, laundry room, or out […]

Why is My Grout Cracking?

All is takes is some cracked grout to make your bathroom go from beautiful to grimy. Cracked grout really can make a bathroom look old and dirty. Grout can crack. There are a few reasons why your grout may be cracking, so it’s best you get it inspected by a grout/tile professional to figure out why.   Sometimes, grout will crack […]

Why You Should Seal Your Bathroom Grout  

You just spent thousands renovating your bathroom. It’s beautiful. From the chandelier over the tub to the walk-in shower, the bathroom is inviting and glamorous; it’s clean and crisp. Now if you want to help it stay brilliant looking year-round, then you need to properly seal your grout that was just installed throughout the room. Whether it’s on the floor […]