Why is My AC Freezing Up?

AC systems though durable and tough, built for the long haul, do have to be properly maintained and cared for. They are designed to run well under a specific set of circumstances. When things get out of balance abnormal wear and tear can cause problems leading to damage. If for some reason the Freon in the system begins to expand […]

Is My AC “Too Old”?

If you are considering this question, it means you have reason to suspect the current air conditioning system cooling your home is about to die. Many people begin to consider replacing their air conditioning in the fall, right after another hot Florida summer. It’s likely your current unit struggled to maintain proper cooling levels on the most scorching summer day, […]

Believe It or Not, We Do Actually Turn On The Heat Here in SW Florida!

No one thinks of chilly temperatures when the word Florida is spoken. Beautiful hot sunny summers and tepid winters are what makes this a destination hot spot for tourists and snowbirds alike. Although truly cold weather is rare low temperatures are common at night during the winter months. Many people are more comfortable installing a heating system in their Florida home […]