Things to Know About Grout

How much do you know about grout? You probably know that it holds tiles together. You may even know it’s porous. If you have grout in your home, you most definitely know it gets dirty, but how much do you actually know about grout? At Grout Shield, we know all about grout (since we create and sell grout cleaning and […]

Get Your Grout and Tile Ready For Fall

September is here – that means fall is about to make its arrival. Across the country, fall is a beautiful season. Temperatures are cooler, humidity drops, and the trees and plants start changing beautiful colors. Although, the downside to fall Is there’s a lot of debris on the ground, and potential inclement weather coming with winter right around the corner. […]

9 Reasons to Clean Your Grout

It’s time to clean your kitchen and bathroom. When you need to clean, what comes to mind? Mopping? Wiping down counter tops? Scrubbing the shower? How about cleaning your grout? Grout shouldn’t be on the back burner when it comes to items to clean in your home. If grout isn’t clean, it can make your entire room look dirty, even […]

Caring for Your Shower Grout

Your shower gets used and abused! Think about it. Your shower gets used daily, and if you have a family you could have anywhere from 3 to 12 showers a day! That’s well over 1,000 times a year. That’s a lot of usage! Over time, the tile and grout lines get dirty. A combination of soap, dirty, mold, and mildew […]

Why Should You Clean Your Grout?

Why should you clean your grout? It’s simple: dirty grout is unsanitary. Of course, dirty grout lines are also unsightly, but they’re also loaded with germs. Grout is a porous substance, which  easily absorbs liquids, dirt, crumbs, debris, and more. The grout can be loaded with bacteria. Your floor grout lines come in contact with so many things including your […]

Switch Out Your Cleaning Product for Grout Shield

 Common household products are great for cleaning so many things in your home from the countertops to the hardwood floors. You’re probably used to using certain, reliable brands that help make your home fresh, clean, and shiny. Unfortunately, most, if not all of these cleaners are not able to truly or thoroughly clean grout.  Grout gets dirty just like everything […]