Cut Costs While Staying Warm

We are not used to being cold living here in Florida. It takes us off guard and sends us towards the thermostat to jack up the inside temperature. The problem is that along with the raised thermometer, a higher electric bill is also soon to follow. Keeping your home heating costs to a minimum doesn’t have to be difficult or […]

Is Your Thermostat in the Wrong Place?

This may seem like an odd question at first, after all, so long as the thermostat is in the house and on an interior wall it’s fine, right? Wrong actually. Though it may seem random, the placement of your thermostat as decided by your professional HVAC technician is actually strategically chosen and located. Some common mistakes homeowners make when installing […]

5 HVAC Myths – BUSTED!

You hear a lot of talk about how you can save money and what you should or shouldn’t be doing with your HVAC system. It is difficult to decipher the truth from fiction sometimes. We thought we would lay out some common myths that seem to keep circulating year after year so they can once and for all be brought […]

Why Get an HVAC Maintenance Plan?

Set it and forget it Regular inspections are important if you hope to keep your unit for a good long time. Maintenance plans include inspections so you don’t have to worry about forgetting to call and schedule. Your warranty could be invalidated if the system hasn’t been inspected regularly. Inspections help spot minor issues before they become big money devouring […]